The Pogo Spot
Stall Tricks are tricks where you stall (just on the ground...not on ledges like Peg Stalls) the pogo and do things with your feet, your hands, and/or the whole pogo. Choose a new difficulty level for this trick category Learn These Hard Stalls Hard Tricks Entering Candy Bar from the Inside Exiting Candy Bar from the Inside Super Rad Stall Tip Tap Judo Stall Heel Clicker No Foot Candy Bar Stall Interlock One-Foot Motorcycle One-Hand Motorcycle Surfer 1,2,3,4 One-Foot Can-Can Stall Flying Kickout Acrobat Touch Your Toes Butterfly No Foot Pogo Stall Side Swipe
The Pogo Spot. Officially online since 2/22/04.