Stomp tricks are tricks where you jump up to something and land on it with one foot (sometimes two) while still holding onto the handles. It's essentially a foot
plant, but you don't push off anything. Confusing I know, but it'll all make sense soon. Considering the fact that you
can exit any Stomp by HooHaing, the two tricks
go hand-in-hand.
Learn These Medium Stomps
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Stomp Twist
There is no pic needed for this trick, simply perform a Stomp and twist (or hop) on
the thing you stomped until the tip of the pogo is above the thing. Then perform a HooHa on TO thing (NOT
OFF IT!) and now (incredibly!) you will be on top of it...bouncing. Note: this trick
is very useful if something is too high to just plain bounce up to.
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